Mobilizing and engaging in democracy

Our Mission

NCLCV Foundation connects and engages people to protect our natural environment and promote the well-being of our communities. We turn environmental values into NC priorities by engaging people in the democratic process, organizing in communities to connect environmental policies to people’s daily lives, cultivating environmental leaders, and advocating for policies at the state and local level that protect the health and quality of life for all North Carolinians, with an intentional focus on systematically excluded communities of color.

We fulfill our mission by:
Mobilizing and Engaging People in Democracy​ icon

Mobilizing and Engaging People in Democracy

Mobilizing and Engaging People in Democracy​ icon

Mobilizing and Engaging People in Democracy

Mobilizing and Engaging People in Democracy​ icon

Mobilizing and Engaging People in Democracy

Our Three Programs

You don’t have to be a staff member or volunteer with a nonprofit to make an impact on policy. You can get engaged and find information on how you can make a difference. Our main initiatives are:

Power the Vote NC

Power the Vote is an initiative born from the urgency in Eastern North Carolina’s frontline communities. These communities are directly affected by climate change and other environmental issues. We are building genuine relationships to ensure the community is civically engaged in supporting solutions to these challenges. 

PowerUp NC

PowerUp NC is a statewide team whose values are rooted in economic, environmental, and racial justice. We are building a movement for a stronger economy, healthier environment, and a more inclusive democracy. We are currently working in the Raleigh, Winston-Salem, and Fayetteville communities.


Boards and Commisions

Boards and Commissions are powerful governing bodies with the ability to influence important local policy and investment decisions. Our first-ever training program will recruit, support, train, and place our members and allies to serve on local boards and commissions. We’re focused on making sure women and people of color have decision-making power in government.

We can’t do it alone

You are our partner

In order to address the multiple challenges facing our state, we need active and responsible North Carolinians. We know that protecting North Carolina’s environment starts with you. With your help, we can turn our environmental values into North Carolina’s priorities.

Our sister organization

Our sister organization (NCLCV) works with state leaders and agencies to ensure pro-environmental policies are not only passed but enforced to protect our state.

Our national partner

We work closely with our national partner, the League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, to help build a strong environmental movement.


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