Wanda Hunter
Wanda Hunter
Wanda Hunter is a native of Raleigh, NC and still resides there. She has served her community in several capacities without title recognition. Wanda is a notable community servant, serving the least. She is inspired by her life experiences that have shown her that even at your lowest position in life you can still give back. Wanda has several years of formal accounting training and field experience along with community organizing experience. Wanda applied for the Boards and Commissions Fellowship Program to absorb as much knowledge as possible about Boards and Commissions roles and responsibilities, utilize the information obtained to be as effective as possible in any Board or Commission role while sharing information and opportunities with her community. She would like to make room for the voices of people from directly impacted communities, allowing them to share their experiences. She also wants to ensure that we are serving constituents by having improvement of their quality of life at the forefront of every decision while also being cognizant of unintended consequences and minimizing their negative impacts. Wanda has a paramount passion for serving others in all capacities. The issue that she is most passionate about is housing and she is a firm believer that housing is a human right. Wanda is a single mother of three phenomenal children, Passion, Shekhinah, and Courtland.

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